Rent to Own Homes in Your local area

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You can become a home owner sooner than you think

What is Rent to Own?

Rent to Own (or "RTO" for short) is a purchase arrangement made between home buyer and home seller under which the home buyer leases the property for the first few years with an option to buy the property at the end of the lease term for a pre-determined price.

Rent to Own may be a great option for you if you...
  • have less than perfect credit for a traditional mortgage
  • need time to save towards down payment
  • want a part of your rent to count towards down payment
  • want to live in your dream home NOW while getting ready to purchase



Do I Qualify for Rent to Own?

Rent to Own is a lot more flexible than a traditional mortgage. One of the major potential advantages of Rent to Own is that it gives you time to save up for your down payment while living in the very home you'll buy. Structure a deal where you can have part of your monthly "rent" payment to count towards the down payment. Within just a few short years, you could have much of your down payment prepared.

What's Next?

 finding a Rent to Own home easy and fast!
Here is what you'll do:
STEP 1: Create your Rent to Own profile: Tell us a little about yourself and the home you're looking for.

STEP 2: Sign up to get your trial membership and get ready to search.

STEP 3: Search for the home of your dreams! We have thousands of properties that could be available for rent to own! bottombutton


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