
Showing posts from October, 2019

Rent to Own Homes in Your local area

Find Cheap Rent to own Homes in your local Area       You can become a home owner sooner than you think What is Rent to Own? Rent to Own (or "RTO" for short) is a purchase arrangement made between home buyer and home seller under which the home buyer leases the property for the first few years with an option to buy the property at the end of the lease term for a pre-determined price. Rent to Own may be a great option for you if you... have less than perfect credit for a traditional mortgage need time to save towards down payment want a part of your rent to count towards down payment want to live in your dream home NOW while getting ready to purchase     Do I Qualify for Rent to Own? Rent to Own is a lot more flexible than a traditional mortgage. One of the major potential advantages of Rent to Own is that it gives you time to save up for your down payment while living in the very home you'll buy. Structure a deal where

Buy a Home with Poor Credit- Here's how

If you’ve begun the process of buying a home, you may have quickly discovered just how important your credit rating is to securing the home of your dreams.  Unfortunately, millions of people are denied loans every day due to past mistakes that still negatively impact their credit. The unfair cycle of needing credit to have “good credit,  but not being able to obtain credit due to a lack of existing credit, is a vicious cycle that traps many people. The good news is there are other non-traditional methods to becoming a homeowner.  Our mission here at Housinglist is to help educate consumers on these methods and provide a safe and secure catalog of homes available to own.   One of the homeownership methods growing in popularity is rent-to-own homes.  With rent-to-own you have time to rebuild and repair your credit while living in the home you will own.  While this is growing in popularity, the unfortunate thing is that many would-be homeowners have not yet heard o

5 Things You Need to Know Before you Rent to Own

Renting-to-own a home can be both financially and emotionally rewarding.  In order to ensure your investment has long-term value, there are a few things you need to know about prior to signing a lease-to-own contract.   That being said, let’s cover some important things rent-to-own home buyers often overlook:  Determine who is in charge of maintenance and repairs: This information should be determined prior to signing any contract.  If the owner is still responsible for general upkeep of the home, then you have that agreement in writing, should they fail on their obligation.  Alternatively, if you are responsible, you need to have a good idea of what expected maintenance and repair costs would be and factor this into your rent payments ahead of time.   Hire a home appraisal expert or home inspection: Many would-be homeowners get caught up in the “rent” aspect of “rent-to-own” and can overlook the importance of getting a home appraised and properly inspected.  Reme